October 3, 2012 Florida Senate General Election Survey
Telephone survey of likely voters within 6 Florida Senate districts in Florida for the November 6 general election, conducted from October 3rd to October 5th, 2012:
In this survey of likely voters conducted during the first week in October, we polled on 6 different Florida Senate races.
Total people polled: 2,528
These results are scientifically weighted by political party, race, gender and age.
The scientific results shown below each have their sample size and margin of error stated next to the question.
In the race for State Senator from District 8 do you support Republican Dorothy L. Hukill or Democrat Frank T. Bruno Jr.?
Responses: 546 (± 4.2% margin of error at a 95% confidence level)
Dorothy L. Hukill: 53.5%
Frank T. Bruno Jr.: 33.2%
Undecided: 13.3%
In the race for State Senator from District 12 do you support Republican Fritz Jackson Seide or Democrat Geraldine F. Thompson?
Responses: 351 (± 5.2% margin of error at a 95% confidence level)
Fritz Jackson Seide: 32.5%
Geraldine F. Thompson: 48.2%
Undecided: 19.3%
In the race for State Senator from District 14 do you support Republican William McBride or Democrat Darren Soto?
Responses: 446 (± 4.6% margin of error at a 95% confidence level)
William McBride: 37.1%
Darren Soto: 43.3%
Undecided: 19.6%
In the race for State Senator from District 20 do you support Republican Jack Latvala or Democrat Ashley M. Rhodes-Courter?
Responses: 448 (± 4.6% margin of error at a 95% confidence level)
Jack Latvala: 47.2%
Ashley M. Rhodes-Courter: 38.2%
Undecided: 14.6%
In the race for State Senator from District 34 do you support Republican Ellyn Bogdanoff or Democrat Maria Sachs?
Responses: 379 (± 5.0% margin of error at a 95% confidence level)
Ellyn Bogdanoff: 43.1%
Maria Sachs: 43.5%
Undecided: 13.4%
In the race for State Senator from District 35 do you support Republican John Daniel Couriel or Democrat Gwen Margolis?
Responses: 358 (± 5.2% margin of error at a 95% confidence level)
John Daniel Couriel: 41.8%
Gwen Margolis: 48.5%
Undecided: 9.7%
Click here to download the full PDF survey report, including demographic breakdown data